We are excited to announce a new book series to inspire your students' curiosity about the world around them! The new Rapid Readers series can be found in Footsteps2Brilliance Level 3 and in Footsteps2Brilliance Central™. This series provides short books that answer interesting questions—bringing science to life in English and Spanish.

The Rapid Readers series offers high-interest books for transitioning readers to develop reading fluency, background knowledge, vocabulary, and critical thinking. Students listen to a model readers, practice reading independently, and record themselves reading to develop oral language and reading fluency. Additional activities guide students through comprehension strategies and critical thinking. Students complete each book unit with a writing prompt. Best of all, the entire experience can be toggled between English and Spanish to support emergent bilingual students.
Are Dinosaurs Alive Today? | ¿Siguen vivos los dinosaurios?
Learn about how one type of dinosaur had advantages that helped it to survive when the asteroid hit the Earth.
The Case of the Dinosaur Thief | El caso del dinosaurio ladrón
Learn about the discovery of a small dinosaur called "oviraptor" and how its story changed as scientists discovered new fossils.
How Did a Sea Creature Get to the Top of Mount Everest? | ¿Cómo llegó una criatura marina a la cima del Monte Everest?
Learn how fossils can help scientists discover how the Earth has changed over millions of years
Are Fossils Really Dinosaur Bones? | ¿Es cierto que los fósiles son huesos de dinosaurio?
Learn about the process by which dinosaur bones become fossils.